Superior Council
President Mgtr. Engineer TADEO BERENGUER
Vicepresident Ph.D. ANALÍA PONCE
Address: Edificio Central UNSJ Mitre 385 (E) 3° Piso, San Juan Teléfono:(0264) 4295131 Email: consejo@unsj.edu.ar
The university community formed by teaching and non teaching staff, graduated students and students has the ability to vote the representatives which make up the Superior Council and the authorities leading the Rectorate and the Academic Units.
The Superior Council is chaired by the Rector (President) and is made up of five Councelor Deans, one Councelor Director, three Councelor Teachers for each of the five Faculties; one Councelor Teacher for the University School; four Non teaching Councelors; nine Councelor Students; two Councelor Graduates and one representative of the Secondary Education Advisory Council.